A wonderful time was had by al at Gay Rom Lit Retreat 2018 in Portsmouth, Va. Here are a few pics of Jeff and I during the whirlwind of weekend literary fun!

Jeff and I with Markie of the Top 2 BOTM podcast

Jeff and I at the begining of the weekend

Jeff and I (in the back row) with all the AWESOME authors from the Rockstar Readers event

Jeff and I wearing purple in honor of #spiritday

Me being podcasty

Jeff with narrator Kirt Graves and author TJ Klune

Jeff and I with the lovely Lucy Lennox

Our ‘retro’ look for the 80’s party

Can’t wait for the new ‘Heart 2 Heart’ anthology

Going for an anniversary stroll along the water in Portsmouth

An airport selfie on our way to GRL

An airport selfie on our way home from GRL. Tired but happy.