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Bluestreak, Cycle 2 Week 6

Another difficult week at Bluestreak. Monday was exhausting. The treadmill was difficult, with a lot of it happening on a 20% plus grade. It went well though. Even though I was wearing the additional cable, I was doing good at keeping up and not having to have the...

Bluestreak Cycle 2, Week 5

It’s hard to believe, but Bluestreak is half over. This week was a mix of success. Monday I just felt klutzy. I stumbled on the treadmill a couple of times, and had issues staying square on my feet on the synthetic ice in the skill zone too. Not sure what was up...

Bluestreak Cycle 2, Weeks 3 & 4, Plus New Season Starts

I’ve been lax posting the past couple weeks, for no real good reason. That should change as the new season gets underway tomorrow, and frankly I should be blogging about Bluestreak more too because this new cycle is quite good. The past couple weeks of...

Bluestreak Cycle 2, Week 2

This week has been some good Bluestreaking. My wrist shot is making some improvements. I’m starting to improve my aim finally. I’ve been working hard this week on shooting high in corners, really going for the post usually since that’s what last...

Bluestreak, Cylce 2 Begins

It’s been a few weeks of inactivity on the hockey blog because things just got dormant with the Labor Day weekend, and then an extra week off because the rink had events that postponed the start of the playoffs. This week, however, I went back to Chelsea Piers...