Jeff and Will mention the recent announcement that author Felice Stevens has the first ever gay romance Kindle World coming from Amazon. The guys also congratulate the Eastsiders team for surpassing their Kickstarter goal and their upcoming premiere at OutFest in L.A.

Our new patrons–Rhys, Karen, Michella, Emilie–are thanked.

Christina from Christina’s Bookshelf chats about books that she’s excited about, including titles from Leigh Jarret, K.C. Wells and Tara Lain.

Jeff and Will review books from Jay Bell, Avon Gale and Ari McKay. Plus they talk about the movies Wonder Woman, Captain America: Civil War and Fifty Shades Darker.

Favorite gay movies are also offered up for Pride Month.

Remember, you can listen and subscribe to the podcast anytime on Apple PodcastsGoogle Play MusicStitcherPlayerFMYouTube and audio file download.

[h2]Show Notes[/h2]

Here are the things we talk about in this episode: