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Book Review: “Fixing Frank” by Jason T. Gaffney & Ed Gaffney

I love category romances and I tend to love romantic comedies and Fixing Frank by Jason T. Gaffney and Ed Gaffney, and presented by New York Times bestselling Romance author Suzanne Brockmann (Ed is her husband and Jason her son), is an absolute delight. Fixing Frank...

Audiobook Review: “Something Like Summer” by Jay Bell

Jay Bell’s Something Like Summer has been on my TBR for a long time as more and more people recommended it to me. Now with a movie version on the festival circuit, it was high time to find out what captures people. I went the audiobook version, with a...

Book Review: “Goodbye Paradise” by Sarina Bowen

A Sarina Bowen book with no hockey? It’s true! And in typical Sarina Bowen fashion, the book is amazing and very difficult for me to put down. Goodbye Paradise is actually a re-release of In Front of God and Everyone, which Bowen published in 2015 under the pen...

Audiobook Review: “A Matchless Man” by Ariel Tachna

I enjoyed Airel Tachna’s Unstable Stud, her fist entry in her Lexington Lovers Dreamspun Desires series. I was glad I had the chance over the past week to check out book two in the series, A Matchless Man. This time I went with the audiobook and totally fell in...