2014-graphicIt’s been an amazing year.

Since this post is on Jeff Adams Writes, I’m going to focus on my writing and publishing here. The personal wrap up for 2014 is over at JeffAndWill.com.

I published more this year than ever before. Hat Trick Overtime: A Classic Winter’s Nightwhich started as a free short on this website at the very end of 2013, became a free ebook in mid-January. In mid-July, Hat Trick 2: Playing the Rebound came out. In December, Rivals was re-released. Both HT2 and Rivals were called out as things that would happen in my 2014 preview.

In terms of how the rest of the 2014 preview manifested itself:

  • There was progress on Hat Trick 3: Penalty Shot in the past few months. I also did an additional short story, based on the success with A Classic Winter’s NightHat Trick Overtime: Summer Camp will release January 11 and serves as a bridge between HT2 and HT3.
  • Rainbow Con and GRL were amazing. Attending as an author was rewarding and, at times, scary. Meeting some of the readers who read my books was incredible. That’s one of the big things of 2014 was getting more interaction–in person and online–with the readers. I’ve enjoyed that and look forward to more. Both cons were also wonderful because it meant catching up with our author friends as well.

Something that I didn’t discuss in the year preview was writing more, but that did happen. Moving to California was great for upping my overall production. I created the Works In Progress Diary to help keep track of my daily writing, and to let people know what I’m working on. I also brought Flash Fiction Friday to this site. This is a nice extra burst of creativity each week as I figure out what to write to satisfy the prompts.

Of course there were things that didn’t quite play out as I’d thought they would, which is the hazard of trying to plan the whole year at once.

  • Hat Trick 3 won’t quite have its first draft complete by the end of this year. It’s getting close and the goal of having it out for summer 2015 is still there.
  • I mention another YA story that would get submitted in 2014. That didn’t happen, but it’s on the track for first quarter next year (mroe on that in the 2015 preview, which I’ll post next Monday).
  • Will and I didn’t get much traction on establishing our brand, but we did learn a lot that will help us do that. There will be much more work on this in 2015.

The awesomeness of 2014, and that I got into a groove of writing daily and having a blast doing it, makes me very excited for 2015.
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