Flash Fiction Friday #5

Five FFF’s so far! I’m enjoying these, so we’re going to keep on going. The challenge to come up with something new, something that’s completely outside my usual WIPs is fun. So last week there was a picture prompt I wrote for. There’s no...

Guest Post: Elvis Murks introduces “The World Feels Smaller”

I’m excited to welcome Elvis Murks to the blog. I’ve known Elvis since we were students in the journalism program at The University of Alabama in the late 80s. He’s a valuable member of the Hat Trick beta reading team and I’m thrilled...

Flash Fiction Friday #4

I had a blast with last week’s Flash Fiction. Zombies and loggers and after hours supermarket, oh my. You can read the complete story at the bottom of last week’s post. This week, Storymatic is being set aside. I’ve got a flash fiction challenge from...

More Words, Please

I’m in week two of an online writing productivity course that Will and I are taking. So far I’m enjoying it, and learning some interesting stuff. I’ve done okay, I think in the amount of words I produce. And I know I get in my own way a lot....

Flash Fiction Friday #3

Flash Fiction Friday #2 made me write a lot of words! You can check out “Cue the Fever” at the bottom of last week’s post. Will pulled the cards just a few minutes ago for this week’s challenge. In an effort to mix it up again, we pulled two...