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In conjunction with Audrey Hepburn’s birthday, TCM is running several of her movies. I was channel surfing and had to stop and watch Funny Face, one of my favorite musicals. Hepburn and Fred Astaire are terrific but Kay Thompson steals the show as Maggie Prescott, the brassy New York editor of a glossy fashion mag. If you haven’t seen this movie (and Thompson’s fabulous performance) rent it immediately! From the opening number “Think Pink” to the hilarious beatnik parody she does with Astaire “Clap Yo’ Hands”, she is a force of nature. I looked her up on IMDB and boy-howdy is she fascinating! In the sites mini bio she is described as a “gregarious, indefatigable, habitually positive actress, singer and writer”. When I grow up, I want to be indefatigable. Oh hell, when I grow up I WANNA BE KAY THOMPSON!